Anishinaabe Word of The Day

Perch (asaawe)

Perch is a common name for freshwater fish from the genus Perca, which belongs to the family Percidae of the large order Perciformes. The name comes from Greekπέρκηromanizedperke, meaning the type species of this genus, the European perch (P. fluviatilis).

Many species of freshwater game fish more or less resemble perch, but belong to different genera. In fact, the exclusively saltwater-dwelling red drum (which belong to a different order Acanthuriformes) is often referred to as a “red perch”, though by definition perch are freshwater species. Though many fish are referred to as perch as a common name, to be considered a true perch, the fish must be of the family Percidae.


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Perch, a diverse and widespread group of freshwater fish, boasts an array of intriguing facts. Found in various habitats around the globe, from lakes and rivers to brackish estuaries, these fish exhibit remarkable adaptability. Perch are renowned for their predatory prowess, preying on smaller fish, insects, and crustaceans with precision. Interestingly, some species, like the European perch (Perca fluviatilis), exhibit a peculiar feeding behavior called “cannibalism of the eggs,” where they consume their own eggs. Additionally, perch are known for their distinctive dorsal fin, often adorned with sharp spines that serve both defensive and territorial purposes. Beyond their ecological significance, perch hold cultural importance in many regions, featuring prominently in folklore, cuisine, and recreational fishing pursuits.

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giigoonh na a fish

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fire-cured meat or fish
roasted fish

roasted meat or fish
scale fish

s/he scales fish

s/he scales fish
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smoked fish

smoke-cured animal or fish

See also: gaaskaabasigan ni