Boozhoo Indinawemaaganiidog,

Mewinzha-go ingii-maajii-bii’ooninim enishinaabemowinan. Mii dash ge-kagwejiminagog ji-wiindamawidishinan. Niwii-maajii-wiidanokiimininim “Language Revitalization Committee” waa-izhinikaadeg. Gaawiin dash gidaanishinaabemowisiin ge-biinjewebinigeyan. Daga wiindamawishin giishpin ge-biinjwebinaman ezhinikaazowan. Niwii-paabii’ biinish aabitaa-Miini-giizis ji-maajii-naanakweshkoonagog.  Inga-andawaabamagwaa dash Niiziiwag Anishinaabeg Endaayeg omaa Onamani-Zaaga’igan miinaawaa Niizhiiwag endaayeg imaa Asabiikone-zaaga’igan maagizhaa “Indian point” ezhinikaadeg maagizhaa gaye “Sugar Bush” ezhinikaadeg. Awiya dash inga-andawaabamag Waadookawiged endaad Iwidi Gakaabikaang, Gichi-onigamiinsing miinawaa, awiya endaad besho ishoniganiing. Ambegish dash niizho chi-aya’aag, niizho Ikwewag maagizhaa Ininiwag, miinawaa niizhoo oshki-aya’aag ji-wiidookawid.

Giishpin dash gegoo gagwedwewin, ge-kagwejimiyan



Boozhoo those who must be my relatives,

It’s been a long time since I’ve written to you all in anishinaabemowin. But I want to ask you to help me. I want to create (start working with you all) a “Language Revitalization Committee” is what it will be called. You don’t have to speak the language to sign up though. Please tell me if you want to join (throw your name in) for the group. I’ll wait until the middle of July before we start having meetings. I am looking for 2 people who live here in Vermilion, and 2 that live in Nett Lake or Indian Point or Sugar Bush (If anyone has the placenames for these let me know). I am also looking for anyone who lives in the cities, Duluth, and someone who lives around the reservation to help (Virginia, Chisholm, I-falls, Bemidji etc). I hope to get 2 elders, 2 adults, and 2 young adults to help me.

If you have any questions for me, you can ask.

Jaylen Strong

To summarize, I would like the following to help join the Language Revitalization Committee of at least 7 positions. Anyone else who wants to help but isn’t sure they can commit for all of the meetings is still welcome to participate and contribute their ideas at any point. There is still going to be At-Large positions that help contribute to the effort.

2 people living in Nett Lake, Indian Point, or Sugar Bush

2 people living in Vermilion

At least 1 person from the Cities

At least 1 person from Duluth

At least 1 person living off-reservation but around the area.

With those consisting of the following age groups

2 – elders (not necessarily being first language speakers)

2 – adults

2 – youth (13+ years or older)

Jaylen Strong

Heritage Center Director

1500 Bois Forte Road, Tower, MN 55790

(c): 218-248-2314

o): 218-753-6017