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Making holiday food gatherings safe
It’s that time of year when we gather around the table to share a holiday dinner with family and friends for harvest feasts and winter community meals.
The Native role in America’s War of Independence
The American Revolution is mostly portrayed as an epic struggle between the colonies and the British. But Native tribes and individuals played a significant role in the historic War of Independence.
Tribal Museum Day
Tribal museums offer a lot to their surrounding communities. With Native people often at the head of tribal museums
Extraordinary: 2023 Indigenous MacArthur Fellows
This year’s class of MacArthur Fellows includes three creative leaders from Native America.
Igloos and traditional winter homes
In the cold expanse of the Arctic, igloos, those dome-shaped structures made of blocks of snow, offer a cozy shelter in the wintertime.
Native in the Spotlight: Tescha Hawley
Tescha Hawley’s (Aaniiih) breast cancer diagnosis started both a harrowing personal journey to fight the disease and the inspiring effort to help others facing similar health obstacles.