KBFT’s Calendar of Events

Regalia Crafting Classes

Nett Lake Boys and Girls Club 13090 Westley Drive, Nett Lake, MN, United States

Fundraiser / Survey / Prizes !

Bois Forte Vermilion Government Center 1610 Farm Rd S, Tower

Boozhoo!! KBFT will be at the Vermilion RTC 8am – Noon!  Cups and Tumblers will be available

End of Harvest Feast

Nett Lake School 13090 Westley Drive, Nett Lake, MN, United States

Diabetes Cooking Class

Bois Forte Tribal Government Building 5344 Lake Shore Dr., Nett Lake, MN, United States

Legacy Trauma

Have you been curious about the role Legacy Trauma plays in your life or the lives of