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New map restores Native names to northern Minnesota
The names of many lakes, rivers and cities across northern Minnesota have roots in the Ojibwe language.
Mohegan, boosting Native Health
Lynn Malerba, chief of the Mohegan Tribe, is the first Native American to serve as U.S. treasurer. She said her appointment is a commitment to having Native voices heard at the highest levels of government.
Red Lake Ice Rescue
Sheriff: More than 100 anglers rescued from Upper Red Lake.
Bison Returning
Native American tribes are leading efforts to bring back bison across North America where they were once hunted to near extinction in the late 19th century.
Deer hunter success down statewide in 2022
If you feel like you’ve had a rough deer season this year, you’re right! However, it could be worse, much worse.
Influences behind Black Panther character
The Mesoamerican Influences Behind Namor From ‘Black Panther: Wakanda Forever’